วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Dear Auburn

Dear Auburn

When I read your letter, I’m very concerned about the relationship between you and your mother. I think the best thing to do is talking with your mother. You are the most suitable person to solve this problem. You should consider looking into her and understand it is her life because she is old. I think she maybe feels lonely. So, she maybe needs someone to help or to talk with her. She may have a problem that makes her like to stay in her room and smoke every day. We cannot change her behavior immediately. So, I suggest you talk to her with love and you should find the time to enjoy some activity with your mother such as long walks, dinner, visit to her friends and updating family photo albums. These activities will create a good relationship between you and your mother. Moreover, you should try to understand her mother’s life and give her the freedom and support necessary things in her life. You must try to change her behavior slowly until she is a good mother. You should be patient and optimistic. Don’t use a swear word or blame her. And you should pay more attention to her. Besides, the housework, I think you shouldn’t complain because they are the responsibility of the daughter. You should do them by yourselves because you are her daughter who lives in her house and you are young in the house. Finally, you should advise her mother to quit smoking and using internet for a long time. I believe these ways will make a close relationship with your mother.


1 ความคิดเห็น:

  1. You gave good suggestions and comments. I'm sure Auburn's mother will like them. Watch for pronouns used, and "maybe".
