วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Only a boy

Dear only boy ,
I understand that you don’t like going to church. Most children avoid it, too. It’s a normal part of children to hate going to church. But there are many benefits of going to church. I think the best thing to do is going to church with your parents.
I want you to change your attitude and understand your parents. There is nothing wrong with parents who take their young children to church. They want you to go to church because it helps you to have a good life and to grow up into moral person. They believe that going to church is an essential part of their life. And they forced you because you are young child who wants someone or something to guide in your life.
For many people that you met in church, you shouldn’t care them. You must understand that there are many kinds of people in our society. We can’t stop bad behavior of them. Don’t care. So, you should pay attention to Church's activities. I think these activities are good for you. They help you to meet friends, have a social life and get to know your inner self.
However, I want you to listen to your parents, for now. Later, you can make up your own mind. I'm sure they only want the best for you.


วันจันทร์ที่ 20 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Songkran Holiday

Last holiday, it was Songkran Festival. It was a long holiday that I like so much. I was waiting for this time of year to come. Songkran festival in Phrae went on for six to seven days. So, I went back home to meet my family with a happiness. I felt exited about this festival. Not too crazy with the water throwing but I still some chance to party at my house.
On April 12, my plan was to stay in the house all day because I wanted to clean my house.
On April 13, my family wanted to relax, so we decided to go to Mae Khaem waterfall in the afternoon. We had lunch there. It’s beautiful scenery.
On April 14, I went to the market with my aunt in the morning. After that, I helped my mum prepare and cook some food to offer for monks on the next day. I like cooking so much. And then I went to my friend’s house to throw water. I and my friends stood in front of the house and threw water on everyone that walked past, even motorcycles that rode past. We really enjoyed it.
On April 15, I woke up early because I went to the temple to make merit. After that I and my parents went to the grandmother’s house to respect our elders. In the evening, I went to the birthday party of my sister.
On April 16, the weather is hot; I and my friends threw water on everyone at Den Chai. We were so cold while we were throwing water because our clothes wet from the water. In the evening, there was a small party in my house.
On April 17, I watched the Miss Songkran Contest and the beautiful parades with my parents. I was very happy and took this time for relaxation. It was a fun holiday.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Dear Stumped

Dear Stumped

I understand that you are concerned for your daughter. I know you love her so much. But you should understand her because she is a teenager. For me, the fifteen-year-old is too young to start falling in love. She is still a child who is NOT ready emotionally, socially, or physically ready to have sex. Do you agree with me ?
OK... In this case, you shouldn’t stop the relationship between you and your daughter because teenagers need parents who can guide them and give suggestion them. You are her parents, so, you should pay more attention, love and give good advice for her. Try to listen to her problems. If she has a problem, you should give suggestion and communicate to her in smooth tones.
If you forbid her to meet her boyfriend, she may leave her home. I think it’s awful. So, one thing that you can do is to talk with her. Moreover, you shouldn’t strict with your daughter because the teenagers want freedom in their life. If you are really worried about them having sex, you should talk to your daughter and be open with her. Besides, you shouldn’t control your daughter in everything she does because it makes her feel bored. I'm sure if you give suggestion or good advice for your daughter, your daughter will have to understand by her. I think that might be best for everyone.


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Teachers with the qualifications....

I agree with this quote “Teachers with the highest qualifications are not automatically the best teachers in the classroom” After reading, I thought it might be beneficial for the teacher and us who are going to be the teacher in the future. I think everyone wants to be the best teacher. I’m too. At first, I have a question that is “How to be the best teacher?” I think this question is very essential for teacher and us. Because being the best teacher is so difficult. The best teacher must try and try and try to work hard, teach students to understand in the subject. They not only teach in classroom, they also take care of her students. The best teacher must have everything completely. Moreover, they need to have more knowledge, good teaching methods, and especially high qualifications.

Now, I’m practicing the skill for teaching. I need more practice before teaching. Sometimes, I’m not sure, but I will try it. I believe I will be the good teacher in a future.


Dear Auburn

Dear Auburn

When I read your letter, I’m very concerned about the relationship between you and your mother. I think the best thing to do is talking with your mother. You are the most suitable person to solve this problem. You should consider looking into her and understand it is her life because she is old. I think she maybe feels lonely. So, she maybe needs someone to help or to talk with her. She may have a problem that makes her like to stay in her room and smoke every day. We cannot change her behavior immediately. So, I suggest you talk to her with love and you should find the time to enjoy some activity with your mother such as long walks, dinner, visit to her friends and updating family photo albums. These activities will create a good relationship between you and your mother. Moreover, you should try to understand her mother’s life and give her the freedom and support necessary things in her life. You must try to change her behavior slowly until she is a good mother. You should be patient and optimistic. Don’t use a swear word or blame her. And you should pay more attention to her. Besides, the housework, I think you shouldn’t complain because they are the responsibility of the daughter. You should do them by yourselves because you are her daughter who lives in her house and you are young in the house. Finally, you should advise her mother to quit smoking and using internet for a long time. I believe these ways will make a close relationship with your mother.


First Time


! Hi! Everyone....
This is my first blog entry. I think I will introduce myself.
My nickname is FAII.
Now, I'm studying at Chiangmai University.
I'm a third year student at the Faculty of Education.
Today is the second day of studying summer course.
Ummmm.........OK see you later. (*_*)